Privacy Policy
We provide economic infrastructure for the internet. Businesses of all sizes use our software and services to checkout, accept payments and manage their businesses online. Wallid cares about the security and privacy of the personal data that is entrusted to us. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes the “Personal Data” that we collect about you, how we use it, how we share it, your rights and choices, and how you can contact us about our privacy practices. This Policy also outlines your data subject rights, including the right to object to some uses of your Personal Data by us.
Wallid”, “we”, “our” or “us” means the Wallid entity responsible for the collection and use of personal data under this Privacy Policy. It differs depending on your country.

Personal Data” means any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual, and can include information about how you engage with our Services (e.g. device information, IP address).

Services” means the products and services that Wallid indicates are covered by this Policy, which may include Wallid-provided devices and apps.

Our “Business Services” are Services provided by Wallid to entities (“Business Users”) who directly and indirectly provide us with “End Customer” Personal Data in connection with those Business Users’ own business and activities.

Our “End User Services” are those Services which Wallid directs to individuals (rather than entities) so that those individuals do business directly with Wallid.

Sites” means and the other websites that Wallid indicates are covered by this Policy. Collectively, we refer to Sites, Business Services and End User Services as “Services”.

Depending on the context, “you” means End Customer, End User, Representative or Visitor. When you directly use an End User Service for your personal use we refer to you as an “End User.

When you do business with, or otherwise transact with, a Business User (typically a merchant using e.g. when you buy a pair of shoes from a merchant that uses Wallid for payment processing) but are not directly doing business with Wallid, we refer to you as an “End Customer.

When you are acting on behalf of an existing or potential Business User (e.g. you are a founder of a company, or administering an account for a merchant who is a Business User), we refer to you as a “Representative.

When you visit a Site without being logged into a Wallid account or otherwise communicate with Wallid, we refer to you as a “Visitor.” (e.g. you send Wallid a message asking for more information because you are considering being a user of our products).

We provide End User Services where we do not act as a service provider to Businesses but instead provide the Services directly to you for your personal use.

Personal data that we collect about End Users

Connecting your Bank Account. Wallid offers you the opportunity to store your payment methods with Wallid so that you can conveniently use it across merchants who are our Business Users – we call this “Remember Me”. When you opt in to Remember Me, you agree to let us store your payment method so that you can more readily make purchases through Remember Me with Business Users of our payment processing Business Services (e.g. name, card number, cvc, and expiration date). When you choose to pay with Remember Me, we will also collect your Transaction Data. If you choose to share bank account information (including for use in Remember Me) with us, Wallid will periodically collect and process your bank account information (e.g. account owner information, account balances, account number and details, account transactions and in some cases, credentials) until you ask us to disconnect your bank account.

Paying Wallid. If you are buying goods or services directly from Wallid, we receive Transaction Data. For example, when you make a payment to Wallid, we will collect contact information, payment method information, information about that transaction and in some cases, shipping information.

Other Services. We may offer other End User Services directly to you from time to time, including certain financial Services.

More. Please see below for information about additional types of Personal Data that we may collect, including about online activity.

How we use and share personal data of End Users

Services. We use your Personal Data to provide the End User Service to you, including security, delivery, support, personalization and messages related to the End User Service (e.g. communicating Policy updates and information about our Services). We also use your Personal Data for our fraud detection and mitigation Business Services and may share certain Personal Data as part of those Business Services with Business Users that you may seek to do business with. The use of this Personal Data is subject to the Business Users’ privacy policies.

Our Business Users. When you choose to connect your bank account with Wallid, you may also choose to share account information with certain Business Users that you do business with. These Business Users will have their own privacy policies which describe how they use that information.

Transactions. For payment transactions with Remember Me, End User Personal Data is shared with others to enable the transaction. For example, when you choose to use a payment method for the transaction with Wallid or with Remember Me (e.g. credit card, debit card, buy now pay later, or direct debit), that payment method will receive transaction information that includes your Personal Data. Please review your payment method’s privacy policy to learn more. When you use Remember Me, the merchant you choose to do business with will also receive Transaction Data that includes your Personal Data and with your permission, your bank account information. The merchant may share that Personal Data with others (see below regarding End Customers). Please review your merchant’s privacy policy for further information.

Fraud Detection Services. We use your Personal Data collected across our Services to detect and prevent fraud against us, our Business Users and financial partners, including to detect unauthorized log-ins using your online activity. We may provide Business Users (including card issuers and others involved in payment processing activities) that have requested our fraud Business Services with Personal Data about you (including your attempted transactions) so that they can assess the associated fraud risk with a transaction.

Advertising. We may use your Personal Data to assess your eligibility for and offer you other End User Services. With your permission or where allowed by law, we use and share End User Personal Data with others so that we may market our products and services to you, including through interest-based advertising where allowed by applicable law, including subject to any consent requirements. We do not share End User Personal Data with third parties for their marketing or advertising unless you give us or the third party permission to do so. We do not sell the data of End Users.